
Welcome to Porch Swing CEO Coaching!


I'm Jill- the gal behind the Porch Swing CEO™. I'm so glad you've landed on my virtual front porch!

I'm a Co-Active Coach who helps high-achievers tackle the tough issues they're afraid to face so they can finally feel better.

Because it is possible to have a life AND a career you love.  Both filled with deep purpose, rich relationships, and a ton of success.

What does this have to do with Porch Swings and CEOs?    

Allow me to explain.    


The Porch Swing is a State of Mind

That's a saying in the South.   And I couldn’t agree more.   


The porch swing is a safe place to land when the world feels like too much to handle.   It creates space for deep reflection and connection.   It serves up new perspectives, rich experiences and memories that’ll last a life-time.  It reminds us of our heritage and the legacies we lead (and live) on a daily basis.  

A relic of the past, the porch swing still calls to our hearts today because despite the progressive, fast-paced society we live in now- each of still yearn for the same things we did long ago: connection, purpose, happiness, and love.    

A porch swing gives us permission to take a break and enjoy one of life’s simplest pleasures- just being.     When you sit a spell and disconnect from the hustle and bustle something miraculous happens- you get still.  In the quiet you remember that life isn’t about the titles, the “status updates”, the relentless pursuit of perfection, or running ourselves ragged.  You remember what truly matters.  It's in these moments you have the power to listen to your heart, and the hearts of others.  

The porch swing never ceases to serve up inner peace.   You leave it refreshed and grounded- ready for the next round of life until you return.  Few things are more healing than time spent on the porch.  

Indeed, a porch swing is therapy for the soul.


What if you approached life like you approach the Porch Swing?

  • What if you connected more to your heart and the hearts of others in normal conversations?  In the workplace?   At the grocery store?    At church? 

  • What if you paused, became present, and really listened to others before responding?    

  • What if you made life choices based on your values and purpose rather than from fear, guilt, shame, or the expectations of others?

I believe all of this is possible.  Why?  Because,

YOU are the CEO of YOUR Life.  

I’m on a mission to help you be proud of how you lead your life.   I want you to lead your life in a way that makes the biggest impact in your world while remaining true to who you are and what you value.

That's why I created Porch Swing CEO Coaching.


Porch Swing CEO Coaching is for you if:

  • You’re a high achiever who is driven to succeed- in every aspect of your life. (I get it!)

  • After years of hard work and sacrifice, you’re losing faith that being a success is possible while still being a good person. (There is another way, I promise!)

  • You’ve been trying to "fix" things for awhile but what you’re doing isn't working. (You’re not alone, don’t worry!)

  • You’re feeling lost and hopeless and you’d appreciate support, understanding and mentorship from someone who has been in your shoes. (That’s me!)

Porch Swing CEO Coaching will help you:

  • Find happiness, purpose, and alignment- without sacrificing your career

  • Radically shift the direction of your life and feel more inspired, creative, and satisfied on a daily basis

  • Redefine success and start living on your own terms

Are you ready to step into the role as CEO of your own life?

I'd be honored to help you.


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